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“But I need more. The gaping maw of my needs feels shameful, indulgent, extra. What else can I ask for? What else do I deserve? I don’t know. Everything feels too high stakes.”

This hits home. I, too, have so much support, have time to work out and see friends (sometimes), have great sleepers, excellent health care, etc. But sometimes even the thought of asking for something else (What? I’m totally sure…) seems entitled. Like, “You have ALL of this and you’re still feeling like something is missing, or you deserve more?”

I know that’s not true, but it’s how I feel. What is it about our culture that makes us feel this way?

(Also, very sorry about your crown experience. That sounds very stressful. We’re very lucky that our dentist does the whole thing in a single visit, about 2 hours, and you get a permanent crown right then. All dentists need to have that option! Hopefully it all goes smoothly from here on out.)

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